Freelance Web Designer & Founder
Sep 2023

The missing soul of Steve Jobs


Apple has removed the soul of Steve Jobs.

No this isn't 1985 when the board fired Steve due to a massive disagreement between CEO, John Sculley, and the board.

This is 2023. The current CEO, Tim Cook walks around Apple Park talking to only a camera recording a made-in-post video streamed for thousands of people. Not only is Timmy not in the Steve Jobs Theater presenting the following new products, but Apple Stores have altered their internal credo removing many of Steve's words.

Sure, during the COVID-19 "pandemic" it made sense to make these highly produced videos to not only show off the empty Apple Park but take presenting and editing to a whole new level when we weren't supposed to be close to one another. A packed event in a theater like the days prior would be a PR nightmare for Apple.

Well, it's been more than 3 years, and still no presentation from the mainstage of Steve Jobs Theater. This is saddening, especially given the history and significance of a main stage with limited seating that would also be streamed live for many more to experience. Rather than rehearsing and editing in post, it meant everyone speaking, including the new face of Apple (Timmy), needed to be ready LIVE. Of course, though, no one would ever be like Steve when it came to presenting. He was witty, captured your attention, was passionate about Apple's place in the market, and told us simply the whys and how they will impact the world.

Back in 2012, I had the honor to join the Apple Retail team at my local store. The first days weren't spent learning where products are, how systems work, or practicing to help customers. Nope. The first days were spent learning about Apple's history, learning why Apple does what it does, how Apple is different, and being introduced to the Apple Credo — the mission statement that guided our every interaction and decision at Apple Retail.

This credo included statements like:

"We redefine expectations. First for ourselves, then for the world. Because we're a little crazy. Because "good enough" isn't. Because what we do says who we are."

It was all about how we enrich people's lives with Apple's products and services that required us, the Apple team, to do so.

Well, fast forward to today and you will find a word replaced in that line. "Crazy" was replaced with "different" because "crazy" is now seen as offensive by world culture. Gone is the tribute to Steve and his famous speech, "Here's to the crazy ones."

And you find the desire to not be presenting in front of people like Steve was famous for. It's a new Apple, one without Steve and his soul and one with Tim and world-approved culture.

I do believe, Steve passed the torch of CEO to Tim Cook (AKA Timmy) knowing future innovations after his time would be more internal than external. With Tim, formally as the COO, (responsible for all of the company's worldwide sales and operations, including end-to-end management of Apple's supply chain, sales activities, and service and support in all markets and countries) Steve knew he needed a captain to run Apple and not a presenter because Steve cared a lot about the future of his company, Apple.

It's just disappointing to see how the soul of Steve Jobs is gone at Apple. The new "soul" of Apple is Apple's PR department which rides on the perception of world culture. That's not a company I'd want to work for and if Steve was alive I feel that he would be disappointed.

I'm sorry, Steve.

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