Freelance Web Designer & Founder
Feb 2018

I got to hug my hero

Talking about my hero is both great and hard now. I say now because about a week ago I got to hug my hero, Gary Vaynerchuk, at a random meetup in Minneapolis. I went with my best friend, but before I get talking more about why it’s so hard to talk about him now, I want to talk about why he’s my hero.

College has many ups and downs. The ups were me realizing myself, what I wanted to do, and overcoming personal challenges. The downs did not know who I am, what I wanted to stand for, and what I wanted to do with my life to give it purpose. I was lost. I would spend many late nights procrastinating on homework with blogging about what I was noticing in the tech world at the time. I blogged a lot. I didn’t know if I was doing the right thing for myself and my future. I’m very stubborn and romantic about creating something great and take a lot of pride and creating a great brand. This, of course, prevented me from every continuing something.

Then something happened. During one summer break, I came across a show called MTV Hired and cheered for this guy named Phil Toronto. He wanted to prove to his Mom that he could do what he only dreamnt of doing. This started with working for Gary and VaynerMedia. He was hired! Then I began to explore Gary more and his recently released book called, Crush It!

I read this book in one sitting. Probably a first for me. Then I checked him out on his YouTube show called Wine Library TV. I quickly admired his attitude and spicy passion towards doing the right thing and believing in it 110%. So I bought the audiobook, put in my earpods, laid in my bed, and just listened all the way through from dusk to dawn.

The next morning I skipped all my classes. I took my blogging more seriously.
A couple of years would go by, and I would see him at the Big Omaha conference for his next book, The Thank You Economy. This book is still to date my favorite book of his. This is his thesis on how brands and companies need to be thinking about good customer experiences. You see I started to care more about UX design and that quickly meshed and overlapped with my experience in customer service ever since high school.

My first job was at a local and regional grocery store, and now I work for one of the most admired tech companies providing some of the best customer services and training others to do the same.

Back to the book and Big Omaha.

I shook Gary’s hand and got my copy of The Thank You Economy signed. I still have it to this date, and in it, he signed his name with “Thnx” before his signature. It was then I started following him nonstop.

Years would go by. He would continue to write books, inspire more people, and put in the work of doing what he wanted while caring about all of us.
That’s who I saw myself as. Not as good of an entrepreneur like him. Not as good discipline and execution he has, but definitely similar beliefs about caring about people and putting in the effort to accomplish what needs to be done.

As soon as I shook his hand and kept following on what he said and did, Gary became my hero. Someone I admired so much I would call him my friend that I hardly get to see and talk with. From then until today I had a few interactions with him through social media whether that was a little “thanks” or liking something I said.

Gary is my hero because of how he makes me think about myself and pushes me to put in the work, be patient, and be kind to others when building something you take pride in. And when I feel others need to be inspired like I needed I tell them to check him out. My best friend’s hero is now Gary too.
That’s what made this random trip to see Gary special. I asked my best friend, “who told you about Gary?” He replied, “you did!” This isn’t to brag this is to simply put that I must have shared Gary with him without knowing it. I mean, I don’t remember that moment I shared who Gary was with him. What I do remember everyday is how much we look up to him and everything we do whether it’s a day we’re feeling productive or a day we’re feeling lazy we can’t help but think about “What would Gary V do?”

Side note: Team GaryVee if you’re reading this.. some WWGVD bracelets would be oh so awesome with his signature on them too! I’d buy one, if not two for someone else to have and thank me later. :)

Since 2009 and more meaningfully since 2011 Gary has been part of my life. And seven years later I saw him again. I had so much to thank him for and say to him and even ask him. But when it was my turn to get a picture with him at this random meetup in Minneapolis all I could say were the following:

“I love you!”
“Thank you so much!”

Before saying those, I did show Gary the signed book from 2011 and asked, “do you remember me?” He replied, “YES! Of course!”

I lost it. *currently tearing up*
Hearing him say that changed my life forever.
Hugging my hero changed my life forever.

There was not crazy, bro handshake. There were just a hug and firm handshake. And I’m left speechless. Thankfully, my best friend captured all of this on video. Watch it below. Every time I watch it I choke up. Every time I talk about this moment I choke up. It’s very emotional for me. This day was in my top 5 of greatest days of my life and so many of these days have yet to be written. I will never forget this day, and I still haven’t forgotten how much he has done for my life and the lives of the people I surround myself with.
Thanks again, Gary! Love you man!

*back to being heads down and not consuming your content*

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